We have a little announcement to make... After a great deal of deliberation, we have sadly decided we can no longer continue the Tuesday Local Market in Colwyn Bay and will instead focus on Saturday as the primary market day in the town.
Since taking over the depleting market in early 2020, it's been one hurdle after another! With the likes of a pandemic, the council offices remaining partly closed creating significantly less lunchtime trade, and now the effects of the high cost of living all impacting the market, creating challenges for us and our traders. Since we took on the markets we have been determined to keep the two separate market days going as we understand the importance of the market for the traders and local businesses alike and it is has always been our mission to create a buzz in the town and get Colwyn Bay bustling again.
We have offered various incentives including free and discounted stalls as a way to entice new traders and give the market a much needed boost. We also launched new initiatives including 'Foodie Tuesday' and our 'share the love' free baby stall, and have added many new traders to Tuesdays over the last two years. But sadly, without the necessary increase in footfall on that day, the majority of our traders feel it's just not sustainable for them and therefore they no longer wish to trade on Tuesdays. We also feel that the current amount of footfall in Colwyn Bay over the course of a week does not warrant a twice-weekly market and spreading the market out over the two days only dilutes 'Market Day'. Therefore we wish to turn all our attention to Saturdays to create one busy and bustling 'Market Day' each week.
If the situation changes in the future and we feel there is an increased amount of passing trade to justify a second market day, we would be delighted to start up the Tuesday market once again, but until then the Colwyn Bay Local Market will just be on a Saturday.
(Please note, we are temporarily condensing the market stalls onto Seaview Rd. whilst we build the market up in order to keep all the stalls together. As the Saturday market grows we will include Station Rd. once again and make full use of the two streets.)
However, we are happy to allow 4 of the original traders who have built up a regular customer base over the years, to continue to set up on Tuesdays if they wish to, so you may still find rugs, music, bedding and sportswear stalls, though it is no longer an official market day.
So Saturday is now our main focus for the Colwyn Bay Local Market and we will endeavour to continue adding new stalls, promote and grow the market for the benefit of town, the traders and small businesses. We want the local community to flourish - but we need your support! So please come out, shop on the market, embrace the town centre and keep Colwyn Bay alive and well! Choose to shop with our traders over large supermarkets and corporate giants in order to keep the market prospering and communities thriving, and let's show Colwyn Bay the love it deserves! With so many wonderful initiatives, attributes and offerings, Colwyn Bay is a beautiful place to be and we feel very privileged to be a focal part of its rejuvenation.
We hope that you can understand our predicament and trust that we have made this decision with the best interests of the market at heart. The Artisan Market will of course be there in full bloom every 3rd Saturday of the month! We will also continue the 'Share The Love' baby stall on occasional Saturdays throughout the year, so keep an eye out on here for the next date!
Many thanks, The Artisan Market Company
